White Fused Aluminium Oxide (WA)Abrasives

White fused aluminum oxide is a kind of WA abrasive grain, it is made by electrically fused in arc furnace with high grade processed alumina as raw material. It has higher hardness and slight lower toughness comparing with brown fused alumina. White fused aluminum oxide is also characterized by its high purity, ability of self-sharpening, better cutting,less heat emit, higher efficiency, acid and alkali resistance, good thermal stability.


white fused aluminum oxide abrasive grain is suitable for making abrasive stone, oil stone or for refractory coating and anti-skid tile, as loose grains, it widely used for pressure blasting and polishing.

Typical Chemical Analysis:


Physical Properties:

ShapeAngular grain shape
Crystal FormAlpha alumina
Specific Gravity3.9
Hardness2150 Knoop scale
Magnetic Material0.0025%

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