White Fused Alumina (WFA) Abrasives

White Fused Alumina produced by using the alumina powder as raw material, in the electric arc furnace by more than 2000 degrees high temperature melting. White Fused Alumina has the compact texture, uniform crystal, high purity and high hardness. So it is suitable for high carbon steel, high speed steel, quenched steel grinding.

Typical Chemical composition
AL2O3 99.3%min
SiO2 0.06%
Na2O 0.3%max
Fe2O3 0.05%max
CaO 0.04%max
MgO 0.01%max
K2O 0.02#max
Typical physical properties
Hardness: Mohs:9.0
Maximum service temperature: 1900 ℃
Melting Point: 2250 ℃
Specific Gravity: 3.95g/cm3
Volume density 3.6g/cm3
Bulk density(LPD): 1.75-1.95 g/cm3
Color: White
Particle shape: Angular
Available size:
F8# F10# F12# F14# F16# F20# F22# F24# F30# F36# F46# F54# F60# F70# F80# F90# F100# F120# F150# F180# F220#
Grit 1 2 3 3 and 4 5 Q5(≤)
Q1 W2(um) Q2(≤) W3(um) Q3(≥) W4(um) Q3+Q(≥) W5(um)
F8 4000 0 2800 20% 2360 45% 2000 70% 1700 3%
F10 3350 0 2360 20% 2000 45% 1700 70% 1400 3%
F12 2800 0 2000 20% 1700 45% 1400 70% 1180 3%
F14 2360 0 1700 20% 1400 45% 1180 70% 1000 3%
F16 2000 0 1400 20% 1180 45% 1000 70% 850 3%
F20 1700 0 1180 20% 1000 45% 850 65% 710 3%
F24 1180 0 850 25% 710 45% 600 65% 500 3%
F30 1000 0 710 25% 600 45% 500 65% 425 3%
F36 850 0 600 25% 500 45% 425 65% 355 3%
F40 710 0 500 30% 425 40% 355 65% 300 3%
F46 600 0 425 30% 355 40% 300 65% 250 3%
F54 500 0 355 30% 300 40% 250 65% 212 3%
F60 425 0 300 30% 250 40% 212 65% 180 3%
F70 355 0 250 25% 212 40% 180 65% 150 3%
F80 300 0 212 25% 180 40% 150 65% 125 3%
F90 250 0 180 20% 150 40% 125 65% 106 3%
F100 212 0 150 20% 125 40% 106 65% 90 3%
F120 180 0 125 20% 106 40% 90 65% 75 3%
F150 150 0 106 15% 90 40% 75 65% 63 3%
F180 125 0 90 15% 75 * 63 40% 53 *
F220 106 0 75 15% 63 * 53 40% 45 *

White Fused Alumina (WFA) Abrasives Application:

1,grinding & Cutting Tools – Perfect for producing high-precision grinding wheels.

2,Surface Preparation – Excellent for fine blasting and delicate cleaning tasks.

3,Polishing & Finishing – Provides smooth, clean finishes for high-end surfaces.

4,Refractory Materials – Suitable for manufacturing heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant products.

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